This section contains practical examples of redrafted legal instruments such as Acts, Policies, and Private Instruments.


The SARAL Initiative has undertaken a project on the simplification of existing laws, beginning with the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, and six public facing Railways rules.  The Initiative’s initial focus is on laws that are citizen-centric and rights-based. The SARAL versions of laws will promote ease of understanding for a diverse set of stakeholders like the general public, judges, journalists, professionals and bureaucrats.

SARAL Saathi

These are explainers/companion handbooks utilising a simple FAQ format to address queries that people may commonly have regarding certain areas of the law. The first of these handbooks has been prepared for the railways sector (the Railways SARAL Saathi), containing FAQs on issues such as procedure for cancellation of tickets and rules relating to luggage. 